Do you worry about what sort of world your children will have to survive in?
What sort of future will your child have? Aggressive behaviour is escalating worldwide. War is not an option. A call to action for parents. Let’s BE the difference that makes the difference.
‘I hate my new mirror that makes me look fat. But I’ve realised my other mirror that makes me look skinny also isn’t helpful.’ Val Mullally discusses what this has to do with our children’s behaviour
Are you worried about your child starting school? Is your child anxious? Accredited Parent Coach Val Mullally discusses how you, as Parent, can help.
Is your child anxious or unhappy about going to school or creche? ‘How do I know if my child is being treated okay?’ Parent Coach Val Mullally shares HOW to listen.
Val Mullally will be presenting
“ Facing Challenging Times Together – how childminders can help parents during transition times” at the Childminders’ Professional Development Day – Dublin …
As a parent (or child carer) it makes sense that you feel anxious about your child being safe. But what is the long-term cost of a ‘bubble-wrapping’ over-focus on safety?
Do you have one of those ‘school angel – house devil’ children driving you mad? Val Mullally chats about, ‘What we mean by ‘good’ and is that really helpful?’
Release of our new YouTube clip: Teen Anger. React or respond?
‘You’ve just had a melt-down!’ In this article my colleague Patricia Martin Ph.D. discusses strategies for recentering yourself after you’ve disintegrated into a screaming match with your tantruming child.
Whoops – where’s Santa? On Day 5 Mrs Claus answers PercyPostElf’s letter about grown ups who seem to be trapped in shopping, shopping, shopping this Christmas.